About Us

Current Updated "About Us" Message (as of 2/22/24):

I'm sick, I'm tired, the world's on fire.

I don't have the money, physical health or mental capacity to do much of anything right now, but I can't just sit by and do nothing. I can still channel my creativity and passion into what matters most to me. So here I am, out of my temporary hiatus to do what little I can to support Palestine and those who are speaking up against injustice and the unimaginable horrors that are happening right now. Never stop fighting, never stop talking about it, never stop pushing for a better world that actually reflects the humanity and goodness in most of us. Free Palestine. 


Alright, I'll be honest with you (an excellent way to run a business, no?): when I say "about us", what I really mean is "about me", as I am the sole owner and operator of this business, as of right now. And...who am "I"? 

I am Kassie. A confused yet generally cheerful girl going through a major identity crisis, with emotions that are way too big for my short little body. I'm 27 years old and I grew up with every intention of being an actor, not a business owner, but life has a funny way of making you chronically ill through your teens and adult years so that you're not physically able to do what you initially set out to do and must therefore shift your focus for a while. Which is a major bummer until you try to make the most of it and find another artistically fulfilling and slightly more physically achievable focus for the time-being.

Enter Rangi Changi Shop. My new focus. My little three year old business that I started in the middle of a pandemic. Honestly, the idea had been bouncing around for years. I had wanted to start a business and sell my art for a long time, but I had always intended to do so as more of a hobby than as a full time job. Yet, as we know, those pesky major ongoing health issues I mentioned said "no" to my other career options, and I, left with no income, no way to provide for myself, and no idea what else to do with my life, tried to channel my artistic abilities into this new adventure of creating things to sell online. Even so, starting this shop near the end of 2020 was not necessarily the plan and was definitely more of a frenzied last-ditch attempt to take matters into my own hands and have at least a few good memories and accomplishments come out of an otherwise very hellish year. 

It was rather sudden, impulsive move, after my latest major mental health breakdown at the time. I decided in September that I was going to open a store and sell art and jewelry. Exactly two months later in November, I launched the shop and started selling! I’m still so proud of myself for pulling that off, and for creating this colorful little community on my tiny little corner of the internet.

Now, as for the name "Rangi Changi Shop", well, it's an odd name, isn't it? And I can explain! "Rangi Changi" is a fun Nepali word meaning "multi-colored". I spent a lot of my childhood growing up in Nepal and India, and this was one of my very favorite words that I learned during that time. 

When I was trying to come up with a name for my little store, I wanted something that would describe the wide variety of eclectic items I wanted to create and sell, and the playful, colorful, and diverse spirit that I hoped to put into my work. And so, I decided on the name "Rangi Changi Shop", both as an homage to the beautiful countries that will always be home to me and a huge artistic inspiration, and because I thought "multi-colored" described very well the sort of shop and art that I wished to create. 

So there you have it! Me and my little shop and our story! Anything else you need to know...? Well, my favorite color is blue. I'm a compulsive run-on-sentence writer, as I'm sure you have long since noticed. I graduated with a degree in Theatre Performance, which has been put to excellent (or terrible?) use on my social media accounts. I have two cats, two dogs, and two parents, all of whom I live with at the moment, though I have every intention of moving to Las Vegas one day as soon as my health and finances allow. 

But the most important fact about me is this: I'm so glad you're here, and I hope you enjoy your time spent perusing (and purchasing!) products that I have put all my creativity and love into. Happy shopping!